
Divert water from the house

How to divert water from my house using buried down spouts.

With spring just around the corner, this is the perfect time of year to make sure that you are up to date with drainage solutions around your house and that you are prepared for the upcoming thaw.

Do you have melting snow in your yard?  Do you find standing water on your lawn or have you asked yourself if the drainage around your house is adequate?  These are telltale signs that you should pay attention to the drainage issues around your home.

Here is how to divert water from your house using a buried down spout in 6 steps:

  1. Determine where the water is coming from
  2. Evaluate why this is happening
  3. Decide where you can divert the excess water to; consider working WITH gravity
  4. Dig a trench large enough for a pipe and possibly some gravel
  5. Connect the piping to the downspout
  6. Backfill the hole/trench with soil & consider reseeding

Here at EcoDrainage Solutions we believe that maintaining the structural integrity of your home is crucial.  Don’t overlook a wet basement or drainage issue in your yard.  The sooner the issue is dealt with, the better.

EcoDrainage Solutions are experts in the file when you have drainage issues; call our office at 610-380-2902 to discuss if you need a buried downspout or any other drainage solution.
